If money, health, energy, or responsibilities weren't an issue, would your current life be the one you chose?

If not...

What would you be doing differently?

If you could have and experience anything you wanted, what would that be?

Why do you want that?

What's stopping you from having or experiencing it?

What do you think your biggest challenge or obstacle is right now?

What are the negative impacts that's having in your life?

What if your reality doesn't change in the next year?

How urgent is it for you to create important shifts in your life right now? 

having clarity of where you're at, and WHERE you're wanting to go is one of the first steps needed to break into a new and more expansive reality for yourself.

Answer this...

having clarity of where you're at, and WHERE you're wanting to go is one of the first steps needed to break into a new and more expansive reality for yourself.

having clarity of where you're at, and WHERE you're wanting to go is one of the first steps needed to break into a new and more expansive reality for yourself.

If money, health, energy, or responsibilities weren't an issue, would your current life be the one you chose?

If not...

What would you be doing differently?

If you could have and experience anything you wanted, what would that be?

Why do you want that?

What's stopping you from having or experiencing it?

What do you think your biggest challenge or obstacle is right now?

What are the negative impacts that's having in your life?

What if your reality doesn't change in the next year?

How urgent is it for you to create important shifts in your life right now? 

Working on yourself, on your inner world, is the most important gift you can give to yourself.

Society taught you that you need to work hard in order to create what you want, but I'll teach you the opposite.

If you focus on healing from your past, on re-conditioning your belief system and mind, on creating trust and deep unconditional self-love, you'll be able to manifest anything you want in an effortless way.

Working with me will show you through experience that the more you focus on creating shifts in your inner structure, the easier your outer world will move with you and support you in bringing your dreams to life.

Investing time, space, money on yourself needs to be priority #1. Everything else comes and unfolds naturally after.

If you're here, reading this, it means that you know this and are looking for a way to finally become free from your daily suffering, self-doubts, anxiety, stress, overthinking, structuring, comparing, competing, grinding, forcing, manipulating.

That you're ready to let go of the need to attach your sense of worth and self to your career, how much money you made, how popular you are, what you look like, etc.

And that you're ready to step up, get to know the real you beneath all the protective masks you've carried your whole life and allow that beautiful free soul to express her/himself naturally, freely, passionately. That you desire to live a fulfilling life, injected with purpose, abundance, ease, flow, bliss, trust, wonder, magic, expansion, and love.

The foundation...

Working on yourself, on your inner world, is the most important gift you can give to yourself.

Society taught you that you need to work hard in order to create what you want, but I'll teach you the opposite.

If you focus on healing from your past, on re-conditioning your belief system and mind, on creating trust and deep unconditional self-love, you'll be able to manifest anything you want in an effortless way.

Working with me will show you through experience that the more you focus on creating shifts in your inner structure, the easier your outer world will move with you and support you in bringing your dreams to life.

Investing time, space, money on yourself needs to be priority #1. Everything else comes and unfolds naturally after.

If you're here, reading this, it means that you know this and are looking for a way to finally become free from your daily suffering, self-doubts, anxiety, stress, overthinking, structuring, comparing, competing, grinding, forcing, manipulating.

That you're ready to let go of the need to attach your sense of worth and self to your career, how much money you made, how popular you are, what you look like, etc.

And that you're ready to step up, get to know the real you beneath all the protective masks you've carried your whole life and allow that beautiful free soul to express her/himself naturally, freely, passionately. That you desire to live a fulfilling life, injected with purpose, abundance, ease, flow, bliss, trust, wonder, magic, expansion, and love.

Working on yourself, on your inner world, is the most important gift you can give to yourself.

Society taught you that you need to work hard in order to create what you want, but I'll teach you the opposite.

If you focus on healing from your past, on re-conditioning your belief system and mind, on creating trust and deep unconditional self-love, you'll be able to manifest anything you want in an effortless way.

Working with me will show you through experience that the more you focus on creating shifts in your inner structure, the easier your outer world will move with you and support you in bringing your dreams to life.

Investing time, space, money on yourself needs to be priority #1. Everything else comes and unfolds naturally after.

If you're here, reading this, it means that you know this and are looking for a way to finally become free from your daily suffering, self-doubts, anxiety, stress, overthinking, structuring, comparing, competing, grinding, forcing, manipulating.

That you're ready to let go of the need to attach your sense of worth and self to your career, how much money you made, how popular you are, what you look like, etc.

And that you're ready to step up, get to know the real you beneath all the protective masks you've carried your whole life and allow that beautiful free soul to express her/himself naturally, freely, passionately. That you desire to live a fulfilling life, injected with purpose, abundance, ease, flow, bliss, trust, wonder, magic, expansion, and love.

Working with me

I guide you deep within yourself, fast.

Helping you to bring up to the surface clarity about who you are.

Working with the opportunities that arise in your day-to-day, to break through your fears, attachments, stories, and veils, while cracking open your heart and creating profound changes in your perception of yourself and your surroundings. 

Unleashing your power to work with the more subtle and energetic dimensions, in order to easily manifest aligned results in your physical world.

Unlocking your intuitive and psychic abilities, to move through your journey with immense clarity, connection, and purpose.

My work takes you into your belief system, your past conditioning, and your spirituality. Expanding your self-awareness, your consciousness, and your understanding of the Universe and its laws, every single day.

It creates powerful and deep micro shifts that naturally turn into life-altering events, forging solid foundations that support you for the rest of your life.

It teaches you how to become empowered in your truth, trusting and following it unapologetically.

Allowing you to experience enormous transformations in your: relationship with yourself, relationship with others, health, money mindset, business or work, love life, sexuality, intuitive power, spirituality, and all aspects of life.

Eventually, working with me will open the doors for your spiritual awakening, welcoming you into realms and dimensions far beyond your current understanding of life and your truth.

Offering you freedom, bliss, self-love, limitlessness like you never knew you could experience.

When you decide to work with me, it's because you're ready to be reborn.

Your commitment to your inner work is what DICTATES
how successful you'll be in this journey

Your commitment to your inner work is what DICTATES
how successful you'll be in this journey

Your commitment to your inner work is what DICTATES
how successful you'll be in this journey

transcendence is a space that'll wake you up, empower you,
free you, and help you create
unbreakable foundations for the rest of your life.

About me...

In 2018, my perception of reality was completely shattered and replaced for good.

I went through a profound spiritual awakening.

From that moment, my life, my relationships, my sexuality, my wealth, my identity, the way I see and experience everything, have never been the same.

From being attached to my ego, my identity as a human being on earth, lost in my drama, seriousness, density. Attaching my sense of worth and self to my career, how much money I made, how popular I was, how my body looked…

To becoming one with everything that exists.

To manifesting everything I need and desire effortlessly.

To flowing with life's guidance.

To becoming free.

Now, it’s my highest calling to guide you through this passage, to transcend yourself and wake up to your truth... and find true freedom.

To finally let go of your need for hard work, external validation, dependency on relationships, things, experiences; and your attachment to titles, achievements, popularity, image.

So that you can live the life that you actually want to live, and create it effortlessly.

transcendence is a space that'll wake you up, empower you,
free you, and help you create
unbreakable foundations for the rest of your life.

In 2018, my perception of reality was completely shattered and replaced for good.

I went through a profound spiritual awakening.

From that moment, my life, my relationships, my sexuality, my wealth, my identity, the way I see and experience everything, have never been the same.

From being attached to my ego, my identity as a human being on earth, lost in my drama, seriousness, density. Attaching my sense of worth and self to my career, how much money I made, how popular I was, how my body looked…

To becoming one with everything that exists.

To manifesting everything I need and desire effortlessly.

To flowing with life's guidance.

To becoming free.

Now, it’s my highest calling to guide you through this passage, to transcend yourself and wake up to your truth... and find true freedom.

To finally let go of your need for hard work, external validation, dependency on relationships, things, experiences; and your attachment to titles, achievements, popularity, image.

So that you can live the life that you actually want to live, and create it effortlessly.

In 2018, my perception of reality was completely shattered and replaced for good.

I went through a profound spiritual awakening.

From that moment, my life, my relationships, my sexuality, my wealth, my identity, the way I see and experience everything, have never been the same.

From being attached to my ego, my identity as a human being on earth, lost in my drama, seriousness, density. Attaching my sense of worth and self to my career, how much money I made, how popular I was, how my body looked…

To becoming one with everything that exists.

To manifesting everything I need and desire effortlessly.

To flowing with life's guidance.

To becoming free.

Now, it’s my highest calling to guide you through this passage, to transcend yourself and wake up to your truth... and find true freedom.

To finally let go of your need for hard work, external validation, dependency on relationships, things, experiences; and your attachment to titles, achievements, popularity, image.

So that you can live the life that you actually want to live, and create it effortlessly.

ready to move into your

highest expression and potential?

ready to move into your


"Este espacio ha sido un lugar en el que yo me encontré con mi energía femenina. Fue un viaje de vuelta a mí. El aprender a amarme y aceptarme nunca lo había tocado de una forma tan profunda e incondicional. Ha sido mucho aprendizaje, expansión, crecimiento. Esta Silvia que soy hoy es totalmente poderosa, completa y plena. Me siento poderosamente ilimitada. Ha sido el lugar de la sanación, del poder, del poder creador, del trabajo impecable en mi set de creencias, del diseño que requería para mi vida. ¡Gracias por tanto!"

Silvia Guerrero


"Estoy siendo la mujer con la que soñé toda la vida.
Nunca lo creía posible para mí"

Ver testimonio completo

"Estoy siendo la mujer con la que soñé toda la vida.
Nunca lo creía posible para mí"

"Estoy siendo la mujer con la que soñé toda la vida.
Nunca lo creía posible para mí"

"It's the best investment I've made on myself. This was the answer I was looking for. If I could sum the entire experience with her: Life-changing. Life-changing in a way you least expect. She helps you see your life from a whole new perspective. And when you do, a world of possibilities opens up. Right now, I'm living a stress-free life. This was the most important decision I've made, that transformed me in a way I never thought possible."

Francisco Diez


"Working with Francesca was the best decision
I've made all my life"

watch the full testimonial

"Working with Francesca was the best decision
I've made all my life"

"Working with Francesca was the best decision
I've made all my life"

"En estos 6 meses ha habido un antes y un después en mí. Siento que ha sido un trabajo personal intenso, de consciencia, herramientas y bienestar. Que transformó tanto mis relaciones familiares, de pareja, así como mi negocio. Logré mirar(me) y sanar con consciencia, desde mis creencias limitantes hasta las dinámicas de mi mente que no me aportaban, y dolores de antaño que me pesaban. Creo que TODOS necesitan alguna vez en la vida tomar un life coach del nivel de Francesca."

Camila Serrano


"Me siento liberada, empoderada, consciente, y con una base importante para mi camino de vida"

"Me siento liberada, empoderada, consciente, y con una base importante para mi camino de vida"

"Me siento liberada, empoderada, consciente, y con una base importante para mi camino de vida"

"From the very first session, I felt huge inner shifts. From her wisdom, her guidance, her reflections. I would never have realized by myself what was going on under the surface. A few weeks in, I was already going through deep shifts in my relationship, my sex life, my intimacy, my work, my sense of self, my productivity. I was so deeply in it with myself, understanding myself on new levels that, even as a coach, I had never been able to get to without her guidance. It was magical."

Natalie Zises


"Working with Francesca was one of the best investments I've ever made for myself"

"Working with Francesca was one of the best investments I've ever made for myself"

"Working with Francesca was one of the best investments I've ever made for myself"

"De todas maneras recomiendo trabajar con Francesca!! Pasé de ser una persona insegura, víctima de mis circunstancias, sin rumbo claro, a tomar las riendas de mi vida y a encontrar mi norte y mi propósito de vida. Ahora sé cuánto valgo y lo única que soy. Trabajar con ella fue la mejor decisión que tomé en los últimos 10 años de mi vida!!"

Constanza Moreno





"Francesca's amazing. A lot of the breakthroughs I had were effortless. I'm in a much stronger place now. I'm much more centered and relaxed.  I learned a lot about abundance and money, and also about my relationship with women. I'm building deeper and more meaningful connections with women. Also, my relationship with my kids is getting stronger, helping me set them up for life. It's been a very powerful 6 months."

Mark Strefford


"I learned to be unapologetic, cleared a lot of blocks, and created far more space for myself"

"I learned to be unapologetic, cleared a lot of blocks, and created far more space for myself"

"I learned to be unapologetic, cleared a lot of blocks, and created far more space for myself"

Tomás Gallardo

"Estos meses de trabajo me han ayudado muchísimo. Estoy enamorado y en una relación con la mujer de mis sueños. Soy una persona mucho más positiva, y tengo mejor actitud ante la vida. Mi relación con mi cuerpo y mi salud mejoraron notablemente. Y he sanado heridas profundas con mis padres, alivianando mi peso en la vida. Hoy en día, siento que tengo una belleza interna única, una capacidad singular, y en base a ello he aprendido a confiar en mi intuición. Hoy, tengo más claridad sobre el futuro y sé lo que quiero hacer."

"después de nuestro trabajo,
soy otra persona"


"después de nuestro trabajo,
soy otra persona"

"después de nuestro trabajo,
soy otra persona"